Wheel Tractor-Scrapers


Buying a new Cat® scraper can advance your company in several ways, such as by boosting production levels and increasing uptime during operations. Holt of California provides a line of scrapers that offers various components to match your requirements.

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Cat Wheel Tractor-Scrapers have the power, traction, and speed for reliable output in a variety of applications. Scraper options include single- and tandem-engine open bowls, tandem engine push-pulls, elevators, and auger arrangements.

621 Wheel Tractor-Scraper

Flywheel Power - Tractor/Scraper 304 kW (407 hp)

Scraper Capacity - Heaped 24 yd³

Top Speed - Loaded 33.5 mile/h

621 Wheel Tractor-Scraper

Flywheel Power - Tractor/Scraper 304 kW (407 hp)

Scraper Capacity - Heaped 24 yd³

Top Speed - Loaded 33.5 mile/h

623 Wheel Tractor-Scraper

Flywheel Power - Tractor/Scraper 304 kW (407 hp)

Scraper Capacity - Heaped 23 yd³

Top Speed - Loaded 33.5 mile/h

627 Wheel Tractor-Scraper

Flywheel Power - Tractor/Scraper 304 kW (407 hp)/216 kW (290 hp)

Scraper Capacity - Heaped 24 yd³

Top Speed - Loaded 33.5 mile/h

631 Wheel Tractor-Scraper

Flywheel Power - Tractor/Scraper 570 hp

Scraper Capacity - Heaped 34 yd³

Top Speed - Loaded 34.7 mile/h

637K Wheel Tractor – Coal Bowl Scraper

Flywheel Power - Tractor/Scraper 425 kW (570 hp)/216 kW (290 hp)

Scraper Capacity - Heaped 50 yd³

Top Speed - Loaded 34.7 mile/h

637 Wheel Tractor-Scraper

Flywheel Power - Tractor/Scraper 570 hp

Scraper Capacity - Heaped 34 yd³

Top Speed - Loaded 34.7 mile/h

651 Wheel Tractor-Scraper

Tractor Engine Cat C18

Flywheel Power - Tractor/Scraper 469kW (629 hp)

Scraper Capacity - Heaped 44 yd³

Cat coal bowl scrapers use a high-volume bowl designed to help the power generation industry move low-density loose coal within the power generation facility.

Cat elevating scrapers are self-loading hauling systems with the added ability to mix and homogenize material. Elevator scrapers also excel at fine finish grading work.

Cat open bowl wheel-tractor scrapers are a high-production hauling solution with a broad material appetite. They are available as a self-loading, push-loaded or push-pull hauling system.

Advantages of Buying New Scrapers

Our scraper heavy equipment is a worthwhile investment when you know you’ll use the machine day in and day out. If you’re an established company looking to enhance the versatility of your fleet, a Cat scraper offers many advantages, such as:

  • Full ownership
  • Availability when you need it
  • The latest technology that also ensures operator safety
  • Heightened productivity
  • Saved time on the jobsite because new machines mean less time dedicated to repairs
  • Increased resale value of well-maintained equipment

What Job Types Can You Use Scraper Equipment For?

For earthmoving applications, the rear part of the machine has a hopper equipped with a sharp front edge that allows you to cut into the soil and other materials. The gravel, rock, coal or other resource fills the hopper, and you can transport your load to a new location. Then, the conveyor belt moves the material into the hopper efficiently.

Its high-traction capabilities help you operate through different terrains, and our scrapers support industries like construction, mining and agriculture.


Why Scrapers From Caterpillar Are Ideal for Your Construction Needs

Holt of California experts will help you invest in the right solution for your company by selecting from three different scraper varieties from Caterpillar:

  • Coal Bowl Scrapers: These scrapers offer a massive capacity to haul high volumes of coal. With a broad and low scraper bowl, the machine’s incredible power increases efficiency.
  • Elevating Scrapers: Elevating scrapers can load and spread while operating. A Cat elevating scraper is ideal for getting the job done quickly and is compliant with engine emission standards. The elevator conditions materials as the machine runs, making it the perfect solution for construction and mining applications offering accurate leveling and scraping.
  • Open-Bowl Scrapers: This type of scraper provides total visibility for all your scraping needs. You can even have a push-pull attachment to take advantage of two machines. Flexible auger attachments also offer exceptional self-loading capacities to handle any material.

Make the Right Choice for Wheel Scraper Purchases

Turning to a dependable outlet for new equipment makes all the difference. With Holt of California, you get support and a broad selection of Cat scraper models to finish any size job. We are the authorized Cat dealer for all of Northern and Central California, which means our staff is knowledgeable and familiar with the latest releases from Caterpillar. Ask us questions, receive recommendations and generate uptime.

When you need a Cat wheel tractor scraper that can be put to the test, Holt of California has you covered. We provide financing options to keep new equipment purchases feasible for your budget. You can also remember us down the road for service, like repairs and routine maintenance jobs. Our technicians complete thorough training and have firsthand experience working on Cat equipment. Looking for a part you can replace yourself? Explore our Cat parts collection to make upkeep a breeze.

We have several locations throughout California, so you can stop by to see equipment selections in person in addition to browsing listings online.

Contact Us Today About A New Scraper

Holt of California experts know the ins and outs of all our tractor-scraper machines and will support you through every step. Contact us online or call 800-452-5888 for more information.

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